Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Milk Substitutes

The next time you hit up the grocery store, instead of grabbing your normal milk, challenge your self to switch it up and grab a milk alternative. There are so many options; including anything from nut milks like almond and cashew, to rice milk, coconut milk, and then of course soymilk.

I love Silk Light Original Soy Milk. I prefer this to the vanilla varieties because I’m not the biggest fan of vanilla in anything and I find the vanilla soymilk to be to sweet for my taste.

Though I’ve heard some people say that they like to drink it because it tastes like a vanilla milkshake.

I love having one of these milk substitutes in my fridge because, besides drinking it & on top of the obvious uses in cereal, it allows me to cook anything that I want.

Any time a recipe calls for milk, you can easily substitute any of these milks in the recipe.

Do you use alternative milk? If so, which ones do you prefer?  If not, will you be trying a milk substitute this week? 

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