Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Vegan Review of Ruby Tuesday’s

So far it seems like all of the restaurants that I have showed you have ended up being fast food places. Today, I want to break this routine and talk about a nicer sit down restaurant.

A Vegan Review of Ruby Tuesday’s

Ruby Tuesday is probably most known for their salad bar, so it’s been a go to place for me to go out with my friends for quite a long time. Especially when I was in college because I could eat salad to my hearts content and my friends could order whatever non-vegan dish they wanted. It was a win-win.

Last week, on our date night, my boyfriend and I went out to Ruby Tuesfday’s beore going to see Thor. Which on a side note if you haven't seen yet, you should totally make plans to go, it was really good. 

This was my order: 

A Veggie Trio Combo, in which you can choose three sides, as well as soup or the salad bar. I choose the salad bar and for my sides; plain baked potato, steamed broccoli with no butter, and steamed green beans with no butter. 

This is my salad, dressed with oil and vinegar. I love the salad bar, because I can change up what I want every time I get a new  plate. 

This was my dinner plate, and my veggies were delicious. Though they did need some salt and pepper, since the seasoning they used was pre-mixed into the butter. 

These made for a great meal that I would totally recommend, keeping in mind that you could switch up the veggies if you so chose. :) 

Do you like Ruby Tuesday's? 

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