Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Facon Bits

Today's post is going to be about one of my favorite flavor add ins, facon bits.

Now, before you ask, facon bits are vegan bacon bits. Meaning they are fake bacon, get it facon?!

I'm talking about Betty Crocker Bac-Os.  These yummy vegan bacon flavored bits are the perfect add in to salads, baked potatoes, chili, soup, and so much more.

Let’s compare a serving of these vegan facon bits with the same amount to actual bacon.

Betty Crocker Bac-Os                           Real Bacon

Calories                   30 (10 from fat)                                    37 (19 from fat)
Total Fat                  1 gram                                             2.25 grams
Cholesterol          0 grams                                             7 mg
Sodium                  115 mg                                             330 mg
Protein                  3 grams                                             4.5 grams

I think that it is pretty clear that the vegan option here is healthier and honestly people can never tell the difference when I substitute it in dishes.

I can’t wait to show you my delicious recipe ideas tomorrow! (:

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