Friday, November 15, 2013

Oreo Cookies: A Vegan Treat!

I don’t know about you guys, but it has been a long (but fun) week for me and I’m looking forward to the weekend and getting to relax a little bit with my friends and family.

In fact, I think a quick sugary pick me up it exactly what I need.

Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite ‘desserts’ of sorts. 

I'm talking about, Oreos! 

That's right, the delicious creme filled cookies of childhood are vegan friendly! 

I like to open my cookie up and add some peanut butter, before I put it back together and eat it.  After all, there is no wrong way to an Oreo. :) 

These sweet little delights are a perfect pick-me-up after a long week. Pick some up on your way home tonight, you know you wanna?!

Maybe you will find that they are soy milks favorite cookie too! 

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