Monday, March 24, 2014

Meatless Monday: How to Survive a Non-Vegan Cookout!

This weekend I went to my first cookout of the seson, which may seem a little early but the weather was perfect and it was a birthday celebration of a very long time friend of mine.

I live in a neighborhood where cookouts and back yard parties are very common and because I am blessed to have some awesome neighbors, so as soon as the weather gets warm its constant cookouts.

When most people thing of a cookout, the first thing many think it hotdogs, hamburgers, potato chips, coleslaw, and potato salad. None of these things generally lend themselves to being vegan and it can sometimes be hard to find food at these events.

Tonight I want to focus on how to eat vegan at a cook out! Here’s my 3 biggest pieces of advice!

1.  Find out what they are going to be serving and bring something similar for you. This weekend they were serving chicken, so I brought my own vegan chicken patties. I just discreetly cooked them and ate with everyone else.

2. Let the host know what you can and cannot eat and maybe they can do something different for you! This past weekend my friends, who know about my vegan lifestyle, made cheesy pasta salad and baked beans, but she set some aside for me before adding the cheese to the salad or the meat to the beans!

3. Bring something vegan to share with everyone! This is my favorite thing to do because then I have food to eat and I can share it with everyone!

I hope this helps! If you have any other ideas, leave them below! 

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