Tuesday, January 28, 2014

'Chicken' Nuggets and Fries!

Tonight, once again, the East Coast is getting snow again tonight. So in continuing this new tradition following last week’s onion rings, I’m going to share with you a restaurant like meal that you can make at home for you an your family. 

This meal is perfect for kids, especially seeing that schools have already started to call out for tomorrow! 

'Chicken' Nuggets and Fries!

For the fries, I am using Ore-Ida Golden Fries but any bagged french fry would work just as well. 

The 'chicken' nuggets are from the brand Health is Wealth
I'm talking about these delicious nuggets. 

I love this brand because, while not everything they make is vegan they always label everything super clearly. This makes shopping super easy.

Try it out & let me know what you think!

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