Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Cream gone vegan!!

After all the snow we have been getting in the Richmond area, my facebook news feed has been blowing up with pictures of my friends and family making snow cream. 

In fact, when I was a kid my mom and I use to make snow cream every time it snowed. When I was a child, our recipe included condensed milk and raw egg. 

Why my mother ever let me raw eggs I won't ever know, so I've recreated snow cream in this vegan friendly recipe

Vegan Snow Cream

You will need: 
2/3 cup of vegan creamer
1/3 cup of soy milk
1/2 cup of sugar
1 1/2 T of vanilla

1. Mix the sugar, soy creamer, soy milk, and vanilla. 

2. Add in enough snow until your mixture reaches the desired consistency. 

This is what my bowl of snow looked like before I started adding in my liquids. 

I prefer mine to be pretty creamy, but you can add more snow for a thicker cream. 

Try it out before the snow melts! 

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