Monday, January 20, 2014

Meatless Monday: Lunch Ideas!

Most of the Meatless Monday recipes and meal ideas I have previously shared with all of you have been mostly focused on dinner ideas. Today, I want to share a lunch idea. In fact, today’s meal idea is especially for the kids out there.

It’s halfway through the school year and the same lunches everyday can get boring.
Why not mix it up and bring Meatless Monday to the lunch box?!

Meatless Monday Lunch Ideas! 

This meal idea is centered around a sandwich, not just any sandwich.
The classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

To add a twist on this classic delight, toast the bread before you put the peanut butter and jelly on the bread. You can also try switch up your jelly. I like to switch things up and use cherry jelly sometimes. 

To go along with this sandwich, add a lunch size of your favorite chips. 

 My favorite chips are just plain ol' barbecue. So I added in a bag of those.

Of course, how can you have a vegetarian meal with out veggies?!?!

I've paired my sandwich with carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and hummus.
You can replace the hummus with you favorite salad dressing!

For dessert, I've added some delicious and sweet strawberry slices. 

Look how delicious and colorful this meal is! This healthy meal is super easy and will pack well in a lunch box. 

Try it out and let me know what you think, because after all this meal wouldn't be only for kids. 

If you do try this in your kids lunch, let me know what they think!! 

Join the conversation on facebook!

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