Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Black Friday Ready Trail Mix Ideas.

Thanksgiving is only a few short hours away, which means that Black Friday is right around the corner.

In honor of the biggest shopping day, turned weekend, on the calendar I’m going to share some great ideas for some quick DIY trail mixes. If you are shopping or working, it’s important to keep you energy up.

Try some of these recipes!

1. The Salty & Super Sweet
Mix equal pars of cashews, chocolate chips, and sweetened coconut.

2. The Quad
Mix together pretzels, raisins, peanuts, and chocolate chips.

3. The Fruity Blend
Mix together equal parts banana chips, raisins, Bugles, and walnuts.

What do you put into your trail mix?

Are you planning on going out for Black Friday?

Join the conversation on facebook.

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