Friday, February 7, 2014

Vegan Popcorn!

More winter weather is headed to the East Coast and I’ve got the nowhere to be this weekend. So, I’m foreseeing a nice at home movie night in my future!

If you are anything like me, there is nothing like curling up on the couch with a pile of blankets, your favorite junk food, and a really good movie.

So, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite popcorns with you!

This kettle corn from Kettle White. It comes pre-popped in a bag & it is sweet and delicious. It only has 4 ingredients; corn, sugar, oil, and salt which make it healthy and relatively guilt free. 

I also love to make popcorn on the stove! It is super easy and it always makes me feel quaint. :) 

Using a large soup pot, I melt a large spoon full of coconut oil. 
**I drop a small number of kernels in the oil and wait for them to pop. When they pop I know the oil is hot enough for the rest of my kernels.**

When the oil is hot, I pour in the desired amount of kernels. 

As they begin to pop, vigorously shake the pot while still keeping it over the heat. 

When they are popped, I remove from heat, mix in some salt, and serve. 

This is actually the popcorn that I make the most frequently, as I have been unable to find a good microwave popcorn that ins't loaded with butter. 

Know of a vegan microwaveable popcorn?!  Join the conversation on facebook and tell me all about it! 

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