Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine’s Day Chocolate Covered Strawberries go Vegan!

Valentine’s Day is only two short days away.

That probably isn’t news to most of you; especially if you have watched TV, listened to the radio, or been to any store. Seriously though, Valentine’s Day merchandise is EVERYWHERE.

I keep seeing and hearing advertisements for delicious-looking chocolate covered strawberries for the low-low cost of $94.99.  Now if you want them delivered to the address of your choice on Valentine’s Day you have to pay standard delivery fees plus and additional $19.98. That’s well over $100!

For those of you who are still looking for something to give that special person in your life or even looking to spoil yourself this recipe for you!

The greatest part about this recipe is that all of the ingredients cost less then $20.
Vegan Valentine’s Day Chocolate Covered Strawberries

You will need:
8-10 'pretty' strawberries
1/2 cup chocolate chips 
5 Oreo cookies
1/3 cup of chopped nuts (I'm using my cashews)
1 T of vanilla icing

1. Wash the strawberries thoroughly, gently dry them, and set them aside for later. 

2.  Take the cream out of the Oreos and place the cookies in a plastic bag. Using a large spoon or rolling pin, break the cookies in to small pieces. Place these cookies in a bowl for later. 

3. Place the nuts of your choosing and chop them. I recommend using a food processor, but if you don't have one available a rolling pin will work to break the nuts up as well. 

4. Melt the chocolate, being careful not to burn it. I recommend microwaving the chocolate for 15 seconds and stirring until all the chips are fully melted. 

5. Dip the strawberries into the chocolate, roll them around until they are fully covered, and twist them as you pull them out of the chocolate to help with the excess chocolate. 

6. Lay them out on wax paper or roll them in one of your toppings and then place on the wax paper. 

7. When the chocolate dries, melt the ice-ing and drizzle it over several of your berries. 

I'm serving mine on a pretty plate, but let's be honest they won't last 2 days in my house. ;) 

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