This year Mardi Gras begins on March 4th, which
happens to falls next Tuesday. To help you prepare, I’m gong to share with you
this awesome recipe for a King Cake!
For those of you who don’t know the story, the King Cake, or
Three Kings Cake, is said to take its name from the Bible. Fat Tuesday, which
is another name for Mardi Gras, falls on the day before Lent.
These cakes are made differently around the world, based on
the traditions of the country of origin. In the United States, these cakes are
most popular in the Gulf States as they are closest to New Orleans.
Often times there is a plastic baby, said to represent baby
Jesus hidden in the cakes filling. It is believed that who ever gets the slice
containing the baby must host the next party or bake the next King Cake.
I had a hard time finding a little baby for my cake, though
I did find them here in bulk. I have to admit, I was a little leery of baking a small plastic baby in my oven.
So, instead I used a dry bean. This wasn't a totally random choice, as beans are used in lieu of babies throughout Europe and in Mexico!
If you are planning on celebrating, I couldn't think of a better way, then with this delicious cake!
Vegan King Cake!
You Will Need:
2 packages of Crescent Rolls (12 individual rolls)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 T cinnamon
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup Chocolate Chips
1 stick of butter, melted
1 cup powdered sugar
1 T vanilla
3 T soy milk
Food coloring or sprinkles
1. Mix together the flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, raisins, and chocolate chips.
2. Pour in the melted butter, and stir until crumbly texture is formed.
3. Set this mixture aside.
4. Un-wrap the crescent rolls and lay them out to form a circle. Be sure to press the seems really good!
5. Place the filling in the middle and roll the dough around it.
6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
7. Mix the vanilla, soy milk, and powdered sugar together, this will be your icing.
If using sprinkles, drizzle icing over whole cake and top with sprinkles.
If using food coloring, split icing into 3 bowls. Color them green, yellow, and purple (by combing red and blue), then drizzle over the cake.
Serve and enjoy!
Don't forget who ever finds the baby (or the bean) is on the hook for the next cake!
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