Monday, January 6, 2014

Meatless Monday: Quick & Easy Creamy Tomato Soup

Tonight it is cold, very cold.
In fact it is so cold that schools here are already delayed in the morning, due to the expected low temperatures tonight and tomorrow morning.

I thought that I would make something warm for dinner tonight.
So, I made soup. 

Not just any soup, Campbell's  Tomato Soup. 

I mean seriously, it's an iconic soup and it's vegan. 
What more could you really want from soup? 

Here is my secret for great tasting soup! 
You will need: 

1 can of Campbell's Tomato Soup
Your favorite milk substitute, I'm using soy milk


1. Open the can and pour into a sauce pan or microwave safe bowl. 

2. Fill the can half-way with soy milk (or the milk substitute of your choice). 

3. Fill the rest of the can with water. 

4. Pour into the container of your choice, stir, and cook following the directions on the can. 

Enjoy this delicious soup! Adding the milk gives it a creamy texture and makes it just a little bit thicker.

I'm enjoying my soup with a handful of Stacy's Pita Chips. 

This is a delicious combination & it makes a great meal to curl up with, watch the National Championship, and try to stay warm!

I hope you are all having a warm and wonderful Meatless Monday! 

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