Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Favorite Salad!

When people first find out that I am vegan, the thing that I most often here is “you must eat a lot of salad”.

It’s true. I love to eat salad. Honestly there are so many options and so many ways to make a salad.

I have eaten this salad several times recently, so I thought I would share this recipe tonight with you all.

You Will Need:
½ a head of your favorite lettuce (I’m using romaine)
½ and avocado, diced
½ a medium cucumber, sliced
½ an apple, diced (I’m using a Gala apple)
3 carrots, sliced
The dressing of your choice

1. Chop up the romaine lettuce and place in a large bowl.

2. Mix in the avocado, cucumber, apple, and carrots.

3. Stir in your favorite dressing and enjoy!

Check out how delicious the looks! 
It tastes even better then it looks, the flavors and textures are perfect!

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