Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Vegan Review: TGI Fridays

Tonight,  I went to TGI Fridays in search of fun, time with friends, and of course good vegan food.

Unfortunately, there is nothing on the menu that is vegan.
My waitress,  who was very  informative and super patient., even brought me the alergan menu.

Everything, is basically pre-mixed which means that substitutions are basically impossible.

The one menu item that cought my eye was the nachos, but the beans contain pork & come pre-mixed with the ground beef.

Every meat free dish contained milk & eggs, so there was really no options for a vegan.

So instead, I had a glass of moscato & called it a night.

Hopefully, TGI Fridays can join the multitude of other resturants who have begun to offer heathy alternatives on their menu.

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