Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Vegenaise, it's delicious and nutritious!

When I first became a Vegetarian and later when I became a Vegan, I was hesitant to try product substitutions because I was worried they wouldn’t taste exactly like the real things. It took me a while to venture out and be willing to try new things, but when I did I was surprised to find out how much I liked them.

A lot of these mock products taste so similar to the ‘real’ thing that you really can’t tell the difference.

One of my favorite mock products currently on the market it Vegenaise, which is a vegan alternative to mayonnaise that is made by a company called Follow Your Heart and available at most health food stores or grocery stores that carry vegan products.

Vegenaise comes in several different varieties including; original, soy free, grape seed oil, organic, and reduced fat.

This product has numerous health benefits, but I especially love that, because it contains no eggs, it is cholesterol free.

This is such a creamy and delicious dressing, that it is almost impossible to taste the difference. In fact, I’ve been substituting it in the place of mayonnaise in the dishes I take with me to group functions and family gatherings for years now and no one has yet to notice the difference.  

For more information, visit the Follow Your Heart website and make sure to add any of the five flavors of Vegenaise to your grocery-shopping list!

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